15 New Year’s Resolutions For Realtors

With only four days left of 2021, now is a wonderful time to reflect, celebrate accomplishments, and set new goals for the coming year. With experts projecting that the real estate market will be equally, if not busier, this coming year, setting new goals now can really help you gear up for success and make the most of your year.

Lucky for you, we have created a list of some great new year’s resolution ideas specific to real estate agents!

1. Start Dialing

Not sure where to start? Just picking up the phone is a good place. Dialing can help you create new connections, new leads, and grow your sphere of influence. Try setting aside at least an hour a day to make calls uninterrupted. Treat it like a job you have to show up for to help hold yourself accountable.

2. Post Daily On Social Media

Make content part of your daily routine. Take pictures and videos throughout your day to help you batch your content. Come up with a consistent posting schedule even if it isn't every single day. Consistent valuable content is the most important and effective social media strategy.

3. Create More Video Content

Video content has become vital for marketing and social media. In fact, most social media platforms favor video content above everything else. Make a point to create more video content and post it consistently. If you are camera shy, do some practice shoots until you get more comfortable on camera.

4. Set Goals for 2022

What are some goals and accomplishments you want to complete this year? Make a list of goals and what you can do to accomplish them. Having an outline of what you're looking to achieve gives you a road map that can help guide you throughout the year to ensure your efforts are in line with your goals.

5. Connect With Local Businesses

Creating genuine relationships with local businesses can not only expand your sphere of influence but can help bring you new leads and new business. And networking also means more organic followers you can gain on social media. Are there any local businesses you can team up with to provide more value to your clients?

6. Update Sphere

Doing this at the beginning of the year can save you a lot of time later. By updating your sphere you can focus on new or more important leads and avoid chasing leads that are no longer relevant.

7. Try New Technology

Is there anything new that can help or assist you in your current needs? Keep you more organized? Or even help motivate you? As realtors, it's important to stay up to date on the newest tech that can help you succeed as a business and simplify your life.

8. Update Digital Marketing

Is anything on your marketing outdated? Maybe you need to refresh your marketing tools or create something more modern. Maybe you need to come up with a new marketing strategy altogether. Or maybe you need to make minor changes that will give you better results.

9. Get New Headshots

Do you still look the same as your current headshot? Or maybe you just revamped your digital marketing strategy and just need a new look. Sometimes a new picture makes all the difference.

10. Start A Blog

A good way to build a loyal and relevant audience is by starting a blog. Blogging is a great way to drive traffic to your website, build trust, and engagement in an organic way. And what is even better, you can use the blog as a jumping-off point for other content.

11. Create A Morning Routine

Finding a routine that works for you and productivity will help you maximize your success in 2022. Having consistent morning routines has been proven to increase focus, success, and mood. A morning routine can also help you bring more balance to your life. Being a real estate agent means you are a business owner. So you have to find ways to give yourself structure, organization, motivation, and consistency through self-accountability. A morning routine can help you do that and find a flow that works for you.

12. Attend A Conference

There are many wonderful conferences in the real estate business that can introduce you to others in your industry. Not only can you learn a lot of cool tips that could impact your business, but they introduce you to new technology and vendors as well.

13. Listen To More Podcasts

As a realtor, you spend a lot of time in the car. You can maximize your driving time by listening to podcasts that are relevant to your market and business. This is one of the few things you can multitask while driving. So take advantage of it!

14. Stay Up To Date On Market Trends

It's important to stay up to date on all the latest trends and what is happening in your current market. This information is crucial for you to make informed decisions for your own business as well as give accurate information to your clients. It can also give you an advantage over the competition as well as help you gain more trust with your clients.

15. Get Better At Follow Up

Okay, so you have reached out to your sphere and your leads. But did you ever follow up with them? You may be missing out on really great business opportunities simply because you forgot to follow up with your leads. Make a point to set aside time for follow-up and find a way to stay organized in this process.

Creating healthy habits is a big component of success. Sometimes making small changes can make the biggest difference in your business as a realtor. Tackle smaller tasks first that allow you to see and track your achievements while you work on larger goals. Remember to take the time to find a balance between your personal life and professional life that works well for you to help you avoid burnout.




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