GE Real Estate Moving Guide

Whether you are moving to a new state or to a new home right around the corner, moving is no small task! And being in the real estate business, we help people move all the time. Which got us thinking about how we could help make the process of moving simple and easy for our clients.

This GE Real Estate Moving Guide will make your move a breeze. It maps out all the steps you will need to take to make your move efficient and organized. And the best part is, you can tailor this guide to fit your unique moving needs!


1. Inventory

Take note of all the things you have already in your current home, the things you will need for your future home, and the things you have that you need to get rid of.

2. Visit Your New Community

It's a good idea to visit the community of your new home in-person to help you get a feel for your new neighborhood and it’s amenities. Being aware of community events and activities can help make the transition easier upon your arrival to your new home and give you opportunities to make new friends.

3. Measure

Be sure to take measurements in your new home so that you can see how furniture will fit in your new space. This will help you decide what items you may want to take with you from your current home and which items you may need to sell or get rid of.

4. Research, Get Estimates & Ask Questions

Maybe you want to hire a professional moving team. Maybe you only need certain heavy or delicate items professionally moved and you want to do the rest yourself. Maybe you only need a moving truck. Research your various moving options and begin getting rough estimates for your moving needs.

We suggest getting quotes from at least three different moving companies. From cancelation fees to liability coverage, be sure to have a list of questions ready to ensure there are no surprises. Many companies can give you quotes that will be good for about a month.

5. Set A Budget

Before committing to a moving company or doing everything on your own, you must first set a moving budget. According to the American Moving and Storage Association, the average cost of a local household move is around $2,000 and the average cost of a long-distance move is closer to $5,000. Once you know what you can afford and what you want to spend for your move, you can start planning and making decisions on how you will accomplish your unique moving goals.

Create an emergency fund. It's a good idea to set some extra money aside for any unforeseen expenses that may arise before, during or after your move.

If you are moving for a job, it is also a good idea to check in with your employer to see if they are willing to cover any expenses.

6. Research Schools & Talk With Your Children

If you have children, start researching the top-rated schools in your new community and the enrollment requirements of your area.

Including your children in discussions about moving early on can help ease the transition of the move.

7. Begin Setting The Dates

Once you know your moving budget and have a rough idea of your home inventory, you can set a moving date. It's a good idea to also set goals and deadlines for each goal so that you can track your moving progress.

8. Give Notice To Your Landlord If You're Renting

If you are renting your current place, many leases require a 60-day notice if you are not renewing your current lease and intend to move. Be sure to double-check your current lease to make sure you are adhering to the leasing agreement. If you are breaking your lease, your leasing agreement should also have the requirements for that listed out.

9. Find a Roommate

If you are moving and plan on having a roommate at your new home, begin looking for compatible people to room with you. Being transparent about expectations and living habits is a must!

10. Gather Supplies

Asking friends and family to save boxes or newspapers is a great way to save on moving supplies.


1. Final Estimates

Get the final quotes from any professional movers you plan to hire and any trucks or equipment you plan to rent. Having an in-home inspection or video inspection is a good way to prevent any surprises when working with professional moving companies. Also find out if the quote is a binding estimate, a non-binding estimate, or a binding not-to-exceed estimate.

2. DIY Movers

If you are a DIY mover, begin by asking friends or family for help. Giving ample notice will allow you to acquire more help on the actual day of your move.

3. Order Or Buy Additional Moving Supplies

If you, friends or family haven't collected enough moving supplies, now is the time to begin ordering or buying the rest of what you need.

4. Book It & Schedule It

Make all final decisions on any professional moving companies you are hiring and any trucks you are renting. Then schedule the official moving date. Keep in mind that the day and season you book can drastically change your overall estimate. Weekends and/or booking during the peak season will often cost you more than a weekday during the slower season.

If you need a storage unit for any reason, reserve that now too to ensure availability.

If you need to make travel arrangements for your move, book it in advance. Your wallet will thank you later.

5. Update Current Providers Or Research New Providers

You will need to update your current providers with your new address information and notify them of your move to ensure seamless coverage. In some cases, you may need to find new providers altogether for health insurance, healthcare, handymen, lawn care services, veterinarians, internet providers, auto & home insurance providers and any other providers you may need at your new residence.

6. Notify Schools & Enroll

If you have children, you may need to go ahead and notify your child's current school of your move. Then begin the enrollment process at the new school.

7. Tax Deductions & Expenses

Be sure to keep track of all tax-deductible moving expenses and receipts. This may include household donations or job relocation expenses.


1. Packing Strategy

Figure out a timeline for the packing process.  If you haven't already, begin packing non-essential items. Non-essential items will be any items you will not need before or during the move.  Be sure to label boxes by room to make unpacking easier. Clearly mark any boxes that contain breakable or fragile contents.

2. Research & Schedule A Cleaning Services

Hiring a cleaning service can save you a lot of time and energy on moving day and leave your current place ready for the next tenant.  Depending on your cleaning needs, you will need to decide if the home needs a deep clean or a general clean.

3. Start Using Refidgerator & Pantry Items

Unless you are planning on bringing the food with you, you may want to begin clearing out your food items either by using them or donating items. Local food banks are a great source for donating unwanted food.

4. Garage Sale & Selling Items

Having a garage sale is a great way to get rid of unwanted items and make some quick cash.

Gently uses items can also be dropped off at consignment stores or sold online.

5. Give Away & Donate Items

Another good way to get rid of possessions you no longer want or have a use for is to give them away. Some things you can give to friends or family who want it. Or you can donate items to local Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army, Goodwill, or local charities. Women and children shelters are also good places to donate items.

6. Appliances

Decide what appliances, if any, you are taking with you to your new residence. You may need to hire and schedule an appliance company to ready any items the day before your move date.

7. Memberships & Deliveries

If you are a member of a gym or local club, you will need to begin canceling any memberships you no longer will be using or transfer them to the correct locations. Keep in mind that many monthly memberships require a 30-day notice before an account can be frozen, canceled, or transferred. Don't forget to update any delivery services you may have with the correct address and put holds on the account until you have completed your move.


1. Copies of Records

If you haven't already begun gathering copies of medical and school records to take with you to your new residence, now is the time to ensure you have everything you may need.

2. Take Your Pets To The Vet

Be sure you take your pet to the veterinarian to update any vaccinations and get copies of all their records.

If you are moving out of state, be sure to educate yourself on any travel certifications or state certifications required for your pet. You will need to be aware of any laws or certifications needed for not only the state you are moving to but any states you are passing through on your way there. Some animals may require special permits in specific states. If you are flying with your pet, you may require additional documentation from a veterinarian before your pet may be permitted to fly. Check with your airline to determine their specific requirements.

3. Service The Car

Especially if you are driving out of state, you will need to get your car serviced before the trip. Complete any oil changes, top off fluids, check tires and brakes and ensure no repairs are needed on your vehicle.

4. Continue Packing

If you haven't started packing or if your packing goals have not been met, now is the time to get back on track.

5. Dispose of Hazardous Or Flammable Materials

You won't be able to move hazardous or flammable materials. And you may not be able to throw them away in your regular trash either. You may need to drop off items at a local hazardous waste facility. Some examples of hazardous or flammable materials include paint, propane tanks, fertilizers, gasoline, fireworks, or pool chemicals.

6. Book Temporary Housing

If you need temporary housing while looking for a home in a new city or if you need hotels on your way to your new home, now is the time to book them.

7. Schedule Car Shipping

If you need to ship your car from one location to another, you will need to contact a car shipping company at least a month in advance.

8. Notify Any Remaining People

Notify any remaining family and friends that you are moving. If you haven't told your current employer, you may want to consider giving them notice and schedule for any needed time off.

9. Double Confirm

Double confirm any reservations and services you have booked.


1. Cancel Any Remaining Service Providers

Did you remember to cancel the lawn care or the pool maintenance? Did you remember to notify the housekeeper of their last day in your current residence?

2. Forward Mail

You can put in a notice to have your mail forwarded to your new address by visiting your local Post Office and submitting a notice of change of address.

3. Hire A Babysitter

Depending on your moving schedule, you may want to hire a babysitter or some kind of childcare on the day of your move.

4. Transfer Utilities

Several weeks before your move call your utility provider to notify them. Find out any information you will need about closing or transferring your account. Be sure to have any important utilities turned on in your new home before you move. You may need to schedule installation dates.

5. Plants

If you are moving long-distance, you or your moving company may not be able to bring your plants due to state regulations designed to prevent the spread of pests and diseases. Therefore, you may need to find a new home for your plants before you move.

6. Parking Tickets

Make sure all parking tickets or toll notices are paid in your local area before you move. Luckily most states and cities show this online through your license plate.

7. Social Security & Medicare

Be sure to change the address on your social security and medicare.

8. Tranfer Medical Records

If you have chosen a new healthcare provider, have your medical records transferred to your new provider. Be sure to transfer any remaining prescriptions. It's ideal to have a month's worth of your current medications so you are set for a few weeks after you get settled in your new home.

9. Secure Parking

If you need to secure parking for your moving truck on the day of the move now is the time to do so. Those who live in busy cities may need to secure a special permit.

10. Furniture

Take a look at the blueprint of your new home and determine where you would like your furniture to be placed upon arrival. This will make moving day easier for you and your movers.

Any larger furniture that you are buying and having delivered, should be done so approximately two weeks in advance to ensure they arrive within the first month of living in your new home.

11. Painters

If you have hired professional painters to paint your new home, you may want to consider having them do so before you move in.

12. Bank and Credit Cards

Update all your banking and credit card addresses.

13. Warranties & Manuals

Collect all warranties and manuals for your home or appliances. Place them in an easy-to-find location on the day of move-out for future residents.


1. Clean

Cleaning your old home may prevent cleaning fees or the loss of your security deposits. If you hired a cleaning service, double confirm the reservation.

2. Finish Errands

Finish any last-minute errands such as returning items to friends, picking up prescriptions, picking up dry cleaning, or making copies of paperwork.

3. Inspections

If you are renting your current home, you may need to complete a final inspection with your landlord before moving out. Be sure to discuss any damages so you are aware of any deductions from your security deposit.

4. Finish Packing

Finish packing up kitchen items and any other items still lying around that you intend to take with you.

5. Trash & Recycling

Make arrangements for any final trash and recycling items you will have up to the time you move out.


1. Pack Essentials

Pack any final items and a suitcase for yourself. Collect and pack all important documentation so that it is easily accessible and doesn't get lost.

2. Update Neighbors

Give your neighbors and HOA a heads up that the move is happening the following day. Not only is it a courteous thing to do, but it gives the neighbors a chance to move their cars as well.

3. Cash Tip

Get cash so that you have it on hand for the following day to give as a tip to the movers when they do a good job.


1. Water

Be sure to have water bottles on hand for you, your friends, and the movers throughout the day to stay hydrated.

2. Inventory

It may be a good idea to take pictures of any fragile items for liability and insurance purposes before they are moved. Keep an inventory sheet to keep track of all your belongings and where they have gone. It's a good idea to check your driver's inventory sheet as well.

3. Final Sweep

Do a final sweep of the home after everything is presumed to be out. Be sure to check in washing machines and dryers, cabinets, bathtubs, etc.

4. Hand Off Keys

If you don't plan on returning, hand off the keys to your landlord or new homeowners.


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